

What causes loss of flexibility in men as they age

Flexibility decline with age

.As our bodies get older we lose a small amount of flexibility as a result of normal aging processes. ... If we lose strength in the muscles we don't move them as often, which may lead to further decreases in flexibility if they are not taken through their full range of motion to maintain their length. This can happen for several reasons including loss of water in our tissues and spine, increased stiffness in our joints and loss of elasticity throughout the muscle tendons and surrounding tissue.

Decreased flexibility within our body can impact our everyday life by preventing us from functioning normally. For example, it is fairly common for some individuals to decrease their amount of physical activity because they do not feel flexible enough to perform activities they once enjoyed.However, this kind of self-limitation can lead to an even greater loss of function.

Our bodies truly operate under the “Use It or Lose It” principal. If we don’t use our muscles, we tend to lose their strength. If we lose strength in the muscles we don’t move them as often, which may lead to further decreases in flexibility if they are not taken through their full range of motion to maintain their length.

The three joints are shoulders, knees and ankles. These joints are used every time you reach for something or take a step. They are easy to work. If you wish to walk with a youthful spring, moving around without pain or limitation, you need only a few easy exercises, each of which can be done at home.

Shoulders: The shoulder is the most mobile and complicated joint of the body. It pushes, pulls, lifts and rotates. If all you ever do with it is to reach across the table for the salt, or hold a phone up to your ear, most of the tissues and muscles of your shoulder are not being used. It will be hard and painful to reach up to get something from an overhead shelf or catch yourself if you ever start to fall.

Strengthen and extend your shoulder range of motion by placing hands at shoulder level. Lift your arms above your head and bring them back to your shoulder. Next, with hands at shoulder position, push the arms straight out in front of you and pull them back. Follow with arms at your sides; lifting them out and up to shoulder level. Finish by holding your arms out to the side and rotating them, first in small circles, then larger ones as your strength increases. Do each movement five to 10 times, depending on the difficulty. As it become easier, do the exercises while holding a pair of one to two pound dumbbells.

KneesMost knee exercises can be done in a kitchen chair. While sitting, raise one leg in the air, keeping the knee very slightly bent. Hold for one minute, or until your leg tires. Repeat with the other leg. Next, lie on your back and lift your legs up. Alternately bend and straighten each leg at the knee. Finally, using a stair or a low sturdy bench, step up and step down, first with one leg, then the other. An aerobic step, which can be purchased at most sporting goods stores, is perfect for this exercise.

Ankles: Sit on the floor for the ankle strengthening exercises. Grab a towel at each end and place your foot in the middle, keeping your leg straight. Hold the towel ends tightly and press your foot forward while pulling back on the towel. Turn your foot to each side and press hard against the towel. Use enough force so that your ankle joint has to really work.

                                                              Your never to old and its never to late C.S.Lewis

Chiropractic & Flexability-For many, the best way to keep their range of motion is to get regular chiropractic care. This can actually do a lot for the body.  A chiropractor aligns the spine so that the entire body sees the healthy benefits.


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